Morning Productivity: How to Hack your Morning with Ford Canada

Elaisha Jade Sunflower Field FordEcosport

Are you late for everything? Do you find yourself running back home to grab something you forgot? Girl, trust me I was the same way. Keep reading to find out how Life Hacks changed my life (and can change yours too).

You guys already know I had the chance to visit Ford’s Life Hack Academy in New York. Well, now I’m reporting on my own tips and tricks on how you can get your life organized so you can enjoy the little things. While I’d love to consistently be one of those people who wakes up perfect, fresh and ready to take on the day, I’m not. But what I lack in quick wake up times I make up for in organizing. I lean into my weaknesses instead of berating myself for them.

Here are a few of the tips and tricks I use to get out the door swinging every morning

Ask the Weatherman

The night before I’ll check the weather on my phone and pick out an outfit. That way I know if I have to iron it or give myself extra time in the morning to shave my legs (no more cut ankles from rushing!). I also make sure my hairstyle will hold up the next day too and switch it up if not.

Check Your Maps

I map out my route the night before and save it. Whether it’s driving to work or going on a full road trip like I did to this gorgeous sunflower field in Innisfil last week. I find out what traffic is going to be like and set an alarm 5 minutes before I need to leave.

Breakfast Is Already Good to Go!

It might be boring for some people but I have the same breakfast every morning. Sunday night before my week starts I make 5 freezer baggies of my favourite smoothie recipe. Even my almond butter, ice cubes and cinnamon end up in the bag. The only thing I have to do is grab my coconut milk and pour it into the blender with the bag of goodies and voila!

Elaisha Jade Sunflowers Ford Canada EcoSport

Make Calls on the Go

One of the best tips I got from my boss for keeping in touch with friends is to call them when you’re on the go. Luckily the Ford EcoSport makes handsfree calls on the go super simple. Any appointments I have to make or personal calls I need to book I usually do as I head out the door or I’m in the car.

Running on Empty?

The best thing about the EcoSport for someone as harried as me is that you can check your gas tank from your bed. Literally open the Ford App and see how your car is doing and whether you need gas. Coolest thing is being able to start your engine up before you head out too! No more running through the cold to a cold car in during the Canadian winter.

I’m working everyday to keep myself accountable and do a better job of taking care of myself. That way I can be a better friend and person to be around. My life hacks have changed my attitude and mood as a whole. They’ve given me more time for the things I love to do like meditate and talk to those I love. And visit Edward’s Farm Store right in Innisfil.


What are your Life Hacks? Comment them below!

*This post was made in collaboration with Ford Canada. You can read my disclaimer and how I work with my partners here.